Dantarian May 7 ’11

Today May 9– Danville Rotary High School Scholarship Awards Luncheon
Greeter: Myron Bernstein

June 6 – Greater Danville Open – The difference between a good fundraiser and a great fundraiser is – more golfers, more diners, more prizes, more volunteers – Final sprint, Rotarians!
Details Here

20110502CrockerColeClarkRedBadgeNew Red Badges – Please introduce yourself to Justin Clark who is in real estate development at TrueLife Communities in San Ramon and Terry Cole who is in business development, lives in Rossmoor, loves golf.

20110502EdnaBinghamLast Week -Edna Bingham gave the club a Pictorial Trip to the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon



Fun Group Bowling –Fun group can tell us about it today.



20110502LeonardVilhauerGeorgiouPHFPaul Harris Fellows – Pres Tony presented Gary Vilhauer a five jewel pin, Victor Georgiou four jewels.

Next Week May 9– The Exciting World of Deception: David and Tiffany Roby will demonstrate how a lie detector works and how they use one in their business.
Greeter: Jeff Behring       RIS: Rob Cuenin



GiveTheWorldHopeAdFoundation Stats for Danville Rotary
Danville Rotary’s giving  to The Rotary Foundation’s Annual Programs Fund:

Annual Program Fund Goal for 2010-2011   $10,500

Annual Program Funds donated to date        $7,010

Average per capita giving to date                $163.02

Number of members who have not donated yet this year        18

May 21-25 – RI International Convention in New Orleans

June 4 – June Joust Bocce Ball Tournament at Martinez

June 15 = Demotion Party for Pres Tony

Gold Marble –Jim Cambier didn’t beat long odds, today the pot is $50.