Dantarian Feb 6 ’12

February is World Understanding Month

February 6, 2012

Today Feb 6 – Melaine Sadek, Executive Director, Valley Humane Society

Last Week – Robert Storer, Danville Town Council, “Upcoming projects and senior housing in Danville”
Greeter: Steve Kay

20120130JenniferCoonswebDanville Rotary’s Newest Member – Jennifer Coons lives in Danville with spouse Brad and two young children. She is Executive Director at Barrington Court. Please introduce yourself to Jennifer if you have not already done so.

20120204CrabFeedBagOcashwebCrab Feed a Big Success – Too soon to have an exact number but well north of $30K, the Event Registrar plans to file a workman’s comp claim – carpal tunnel syndrome from counting all that cash, plus back strain lugging it to the bank. Tasteless photo at right. Thanks to everyone for all the time and energy that went into making everything happen, with special thanks to Mike McHugh and Pres Bob for leading.

Club Assembly Evening of Feb 16 – The fundraiser is over. It’s time to plan the fundraiser: What will it be and when? A major club decision that requires everyone’s participation.

Gold Nugget – Bob Beaton finds the $75 gold nugget. Today the pot starts over at $25.