February is World Understanding Month
Today’s Meeting Feb 28 – “Remember the Ladies” San Ramon Valley Historical Museum Program Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage in California Greeter: Greg Clark RIS – Lori Sato
This weekend Mar 4 – A BIG shout-out and well wishes to our President-Elect, Bob Chace who is going to the President Elect Training Seminar this weekend !!
Pres Tony Sez – WE still have some Crab Feed items not paid for and others with unidentified buyers. See Lori Sato if you need to pay or can help identify “mystery buyers”.
Notice – We are “Missing” a Green Bay Packers helmet that was on display as a silent auction item. If anyone has any info , or saw someone with this helmet, please let Pres Tony know ASAP.
FYI – There will be a “Fireside” meeting in late March or early April- there will be ample notice when scheduled.
Can you help? – The Alamo club, who has been a huge contributor to the success of the new “Rotacare” free clinic in Pittsburg, has asked our club to see if there is someone who would be willing to donate a couple of hours a week to do simple data entry. If you can help, please let Pres Tony know.
March 9 – 6pm ,Fellowship/Social at the “Hideaway” in Danville ( between Starbucks and That Bar)
March 10 – 5:30 pm Board Meeting at Barbara Jewell’s office.
Last Meeting Feb 14 – Dennis Lyamuya from Tanzania talked to us about life in Tanzania
Nancy Moore talked about San Ramon Valley High School’s 100th anniversary and the Wolf Foundation’s Fundraiser on March 19 at Blackhawk Museum. Tickets $75. For details srv100gala@gmail.com
Welcome New Members – David and Tiffany Roby. Please introduce yourselves and sign their introduction sheet.
New Sheriff in Town – Did we mention that David Roby was a former police officer at UC Berkeley? Pres Tony badged David as Sergeant at Arms for the balance of this year.
Grandpa Al Rubey – Celebrating his 40th birthday for the 45th time, Danville Rotary’s most senior member announced the birth of a new grandchild. Pres Tony promised to take up a collection on Feb 28. Sgt at Arms – make sure it happens.
Judge Calhoun – 81 years this month.
Bob and Alice Beaton – 48 happy years of marriage on the 16th
Where the heck is Pres Tony getting all those inaccurate anniversary dates? Thanks to Kathy Chiverton, the correct information is always available at the club’s online database.
Food Bank Activity on February 15
Prospective Member – Terry Cole, sponsored by Jim Crocker – Terry has returned to this area after living in Twain Harte and being a member of that club. Although he lives in Rossmoor, his daughter and her family live in Danville and he is here often. He is keen to join our club. Terry has a lots of experience in the golf world and with raising funds and large events. Please introduce yourself to Terry.
Welcome new members Valerie Vicente, Evelyn Walker, Tita Escalada – Please introduce yourself and sign their introduction sheets.
March 11 – Burger flipping for CASA at St Joan of Arc
March 30 – Wednesday evening – 6 Club Meeting at Round Hill Country Club
May 21-25 – RI International Convention in New Orleans
June 6 – Golf Tournament
Gold Marble – Nancy Moore, spouse of guest and Danville Rotary Past President John Moore panned for gold and came up empty handed. This week the pot is $50.