April is Magazine Month
April 9, 2012
Today – Aaron Negherbon, Troops Direct Greeter Tita Escalada RIS Justin Clark
Last Week – Dr John Knowles, a long time friend of Bob and Alice Beaton, talked about his personal international service experiences with Rotaplast and other activities.
Last Wednesday April 4 – Bowling Social, Pres Bob can tell us about it.
Prospective Member – Susie Hansen grew up in Danville and has recently returned. She works as a Financial Analyst for Royal Motor Sales in San Frencisco. She has three children by an earlier marriage. She has already attended three meetings and participated in the recent Del Amigo Breakfast. Please introduce yourself if you have not already done so.
Next Week – Park Meiter Scholarship Awards Luncheon. Guest Speaker Mike Barrington – Rotary Foundation
Last Bulletin for a few weeks – Aspiring authors among you, feel free to jump in and produce a bulletin during the bulletin editors absence.
July 4 Parade Float – Valerie is looking for volunteers to work on this year’s Rotary parade float, a joint activity with Interact and the other clubs. The theme this year is Small Town Big Heart
April 18 Wednesday – CPR Training at the Bridges CC clubhouse with Dougherty Valley/San Ramon Rotary
April 21 – Painting project at Xenephon in Orinda, Steve Grote organizing. Here’s a link http://xenophontrc.org/
April 27 Friday – Texas Hold’em Tournament somewhere. Pres Bob will refresh our memory today.
April 28 Saturday – Rotarians at Work Day
April 29 Sunday – First Annual District 5160 Golf Tournament at Yolo Flier’s Club in Woodland.
Saturday May 19 – South District Assembly at Solano Coummunity College in Vallejo. Ideal for Board members, new members, and any Rotarian interested in growing their knowledge of Rotary activities.
Golf Tournament Monday May 21 – Lakeside Course at Blackhawk Country Club. Details to follow
Gold Nugget – Good news, bad news – Guest speaker John Knowles pulled a blue marble. Today the pot is $125.